Operation Patriot Support (OPs) – www.operationpatriotsupport.org
The PHM Group offers our offices and most overhead expenses, free of charge, as the corporate headquarters for Operation Patriot Support (OPs). OPs is an all-volunteer organization, with minimal overhead expenses, whose mission is very simply to serve those that served us. That includes our country’s Gold Star Families, veterans, members of law enforcement, first responders, and their families that have been wounded, injured, or are otherwise in need. OPs offers support with assistance for specific needs and by providing opportunities to hunt, fish, shoot, and fellowship with each other.
PHM personnel that serve with Operation Patriot Support:
- Dave Pfeiffer serves as the President of OPs and serves on the Executive Board
- John Hinson serves as the Corporate Secretary of OPs and serves on the Executive Board
- Robert Krawczyk is a key volunteer and serves on the Board
- Joann Roberts is probably OPs most valuable volunteer. She coordinates so many of the organizations events and is the “go to person” when something needs to be accomplished
- Heather Compton and Christie Hinson are volunteers and develop most of OPs social media presence
Other local organizations regularly supported by the PHM family: